Prins Póló

Prins Póló

We tried hard to shoot a video with Prins Póló on our last years#‎OE2iceland tour. We met him twice but because of unexpected farming duties on Karlsstöðum this dream did not come true. The more we are pleased that we spontaneously catched Svavar and Berglind during their short stay in Berlin in January 2016. After their studio recording day of „Sandalar“, we only wanted to have a dinner together. They bumped up full of drive, their head full of a story about a strange normal guy, hateing his sandals, loving soccer because of the beer, and BBQing in a special way, ending up unjustified in hell.

Regarding of the unrealised Prins Póló video during our #OE2iceland tour, we show up at the restaurant still with hope of a collaboration in future. It turns out perfect: Before our plates were on the table, we agreed on a video production for the new song „Sandalar“ already at the next day. In the night we recived the brand new track recorded by Flex, we were totaly impressed and immediately started the seutp of our little studio. Next day Prins Póló, Berglind and we spent a splendid sunday without a chance to buy some special props, only equipped with our absolute intention of realisation and improvisation added by cardboard, fabrics and a fog machine.

Prins Póló – Sandalar
©Svavar Eysteinsson 2016

Mannstu þegar við vorum ung
og bara frekar fresh
Vorum alltaf eitthvað að djóka
oftast nokkuð hress

En nú er lífið hálfgerð barátta
og það er þessi árátta
að fara á hverju sumri til útlanda
og klæða sig í sandala

Að skoða ömurlega kastala
meðan ég gæti verið að horfa á fótbolta
En mér leiðist fótbolti
Það sem heldur mér gangandi
er óslökkvandi bjórþorsti

Sumir halda að ég sé fáviti
En ég er í raun helsjúkur grillari
sem getur ekki hamið sig
Algjörlega vonlaus steik

Ég er úr leik….

Satan þú ert að ruglast
Þú verður að hafa hugfast
að hugarfars fæst ekki í kjötborði
í hefðbundnum súpermarkaði