Mathieu Sylvestre – Nov. 23rd. 2024

Field Recordings and analog synthesizers are the main sources of the sound processed by Mathieu
Sylvestre. Noises and natural sounds are interwoven and articulated in electrified sound narratives between aural synaesthesia and spatial vibrations. Autodidact musician based in Berlin, Germany since 2010, he came from France to Noise Music after 10 years as vocalist and guitarist in rock music field. With guitars, cello, effect pedals and contact microphones, he first experimented on sounds and noises to work on origin of vibrations by straight analog means. After guitar noise experiments he developed sound pieces from field recordings and Moog analog synthesizers sound sources. After hundreds of shows since 2010 in Europe and worldwide this work is constantly enriched by different contexts and places. Mathieu Sylvestre performed in several performance festivals and art events, in art galleries as music performer or as performance artist. The live electronic sound performances based on improvised patterns have been evolving show after show and highlight boundaries between analog sound textures and the core of electronic vibrations that focuses on bringing noise music a plastic and physical approach. On the other hand, Mathieu Sylvestre composed sound tracks for visual artists as Wolfgang Petrick (D) or Saskia Edens (CH) and work to provide sound design on live shows in collaboration with Performance artists Frédéric Krauke (D), NoMass -contemporary dance- (GR), Physical Poets -Butoh- (JP), Non Grata (Est) Diverse Universe Tours from 2012 to 2019 and music/sound design of the movie Symbiosis (2024) He was assistant of visual artist Till Velten between 2015 and 2019 in Basel (CH) Several collaborating side projects are on the track since 2018 with Sonus Eorum (Drone/Noise) Reichenhall (Ambient Noise) and UncoppenSaw (Spoken world Tribal Noise)


And as claimed the Beat Poet Ron Whitehead : „Listen listen listen to the droning mesmerizing exploding noise of Mathieu Sylvestre as he creates and performs the soundtrack for the performance art underworld .“