Alligator Gozaimasu Special – Livestream: Feb. 28th 2021

ALLIGATOR GOZAIMASU is made of many heads, voices and noises. In the midst of the lockdown the sound collective, with more than 60 members spread all over the world, started to share sonic fragments, voices and noises online. An incredible dynamic and creative process started in which the musicians have the freedom to use and shape the bits and pieces in the sound pool in their very own way. Until now Alligator Gozaimasu have released six episodes of the album series „Solange bunte Balken durchlaufen“ (engl.: As Long As Render Bars Go Colourful).

Episode #7 was released on 26 February.

Orange ’Ear took the opportunity to present a special release show: Timo C. Engel led us through two hours of interviews, music, poetry and videos. Stephanie Müller (percussionist and songwriter of Beißpony), who created Alligator Gozaimasu with other sound lovers, shed light on the background of her amazing experiences with the XXL band.

The highlight of the show: the experimental Alligator Gozaimasu improvised live together for the first time! For this purpose, Orange ’Ear set up a server where the musicians could meet with minimal latency from different locations around the world. This virtual rehearsal space is kept open for their future collaboration.
These are benefit albums. With your payments you support Sea Watch e.V., a nonprofit organization that conducts civil search and rescue operations in the Central Med. THANK YOU VERY MUCH

The Alligator Gozaimasu Special presented to us:

  • Aoi Swimming played a melody on her Casio for us in a live performance from Japan.
  • Sezgin Inceel played one of his soft acoustic folk, ethnic world and jazz songs for us.
  • Laura Theis recited some spoken word poetry for us.
  • Jo performed „The tenter is a bit veered off just now“ on her Glasambel.
  • For the first time in this constellation, Klaus Erika Dietl, Helena Hartmann, Nicolai Herrmann aka SLEEP WAR KING, Gemma Meulendijks aka M I A, Gustavo Moi, Stephanie aka Rag Treasure, ZORK FREE ARTS LAB and Lina Zylla performed a remote live concert.
  • Thomas Glatz, Deidra Mesayu, Miboujin and Mikio Saito created animated drawings and visuals that included sound fragments by Fredi Grosser, Anton Kaun, Sarah Ines Struck, Carla Rosalia Zuccon and Paula Emilia Zuccon.
  • Julia Kotowski was kind enough to animate a wild alligator for us.